Chapters 1 & 2 questions to ponder:
What is the real relationship between the Mbuti and the villagers?
Why would the Mbuti participate in the nkumbi ceremony, what do they get out of it? And the villagers?
Do the Mbuti spend time in the village? Doing what? What is their status in the village?
“What made the People of the Forest what they were, what made them so very different from the villagers all around them, what made them seem to adopt village ways with such enthusiasm, only to abandon them with utter unconcern the moment they left the treeless confines of the village and return to the forest.” ?
What strikes you about the ways in which Turnbull talks about the Mbuti, the villagers?
How do the Mbuti handle disputes?
What kind of social stratification occurs with the band? Between the Mbuti and the villagers?
What is the function of sister exchange?
What are the degrees of illness p.42?
Why bury Cephu’s daughter in the village style?
Death and villagers - relationship to witchcraft?
What is the molimo? To use the formula of Malinowski, what is its charter, personnel, norms, material apparatus, activities and function.
Significance of noise?