Friday, September 25, 2015

Pygmies of the Rain Forest Kevin Duffy, 1975

Questions to consider in your 1-2 page critique:

  • where do we see concurrence with The Forest People, contradiction?
  • what does this film tell us about the film maker,  Kevin Duffy?
  • What does it tell us about ourselves?
  • Do we "suspend disbelief" in this film, as Titon argues?
  • is this a "good story" are the Mbuti coming to life for us?
  • how do the "rhetorical conventions" play out in this film?
  • who has "authority" in this film?
  • who is the target audience?

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Chapters 1 & 2 questions to ponder:

What is the real relationship between the Mbuti and the villagers?
Why would the Mbuti participate in the nkumbi ceremony, what do they get out of it?  And the villagers?
Do the Mbuti spend time in the village?  Doing what? What is their status in the village?
“What made the People of the Forest what they were, what made them so very different from the villagers all around them, what made them seem to adopt village ways with such enthusiasm, only to abandon them with utter unconcern the moment they left the treeless confines of the village and return to the forest.” ?
What strikes you about the ways in which Turnbull talks about the Mbuti, the villagers?
How do the Mbuti handle disputes?
What kind of social stratification occurs with the band? Between the Mbuti and the villagers?
What is the function of sister exchange?
What are the degrees of illness p.42?
Why bury Cephu’s daughter in the village style?
Death and villagers - relationship to witchcraft?
What is the molimo? To use the formula of Malinowski, what is its charter, personnel, norms, material apparatus, activities and function.
Significance of noise?

Friday, September 11, 2015

Map of a Block assignment due Tuesday, along with chapter 1 notes from  The Forest People

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

skulls to Boas slides here
Welcome 2015-16 Seniors!  A link to the Boas' article can be found here

  1. How like or unlike was your exhibit plan to Boas’ vision of how a museum on culture would be organized?  What were the limitations of this activity?
  2. How were folks like Tylor, Morgan and Grant products of their time?
  3. Can an exhibition be political?  If so, how, if not, why not?
  4. Boas thought that people would see the humanity in others, “if only people learned to look”?  How did Boas want them to see others?
  5. How was “science” used to justify policy - or vice versa?